Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Economic Roller Coaster: What I'm Thinking About

1. My heart breaks for the poor.
2. I'm becoming more and more concerned about what's going to happen to non-profits if people quit giving.
3. I'm noticing that that people of faith (at least the ones I know) have a strange sense of peace.
4. God is doing a new thing.
5. We're going to have to rediscover the biblical notion of community.
6. We're getting a truer picture of the state of the world.
7. I'm asking the question 'where do I need to invest myself?'
8. We put our trust in the wrong things.
9. Greed rules.
10. We truly live in a global village.
11. No one has the remedy.
12. It's going to be a long journey.
13. This is a global paradigm shift.
14. If you're guided by your pocket book instead of some unchanging values you're in for a long ride.
15. God is sufficient.
16. Cutting back for some people doesn't really mean much more than inconvenience. Some of them will make it sound like it's the end of their world. It's really just the end of excess.
17. There's a whole lot of folks who are going to be hurting. They live on no margin.
18. We put our trust in business and political leaders. We walk away disappointed.
19. Who we elect as President needs our prayers.
20. This is an opportunity for people of faith to step up.

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