Saturday, November 08, 2008


Risk + God = Adventure

At our Higher Ground meeting on Monday we talked about ‘Taking Risks’. I said that ‘risk’ is necessary for a living faith. You can’t live faithfully without venturing out into the unknown.

I like my comfort zone. Don’t you? I like to know what I know. I like to sit around with comfortable people doing comfortable things in comfortable settings. I like to do what I like. It’s human nature.

I prefer safety to risk. And if I have to take a risk I want it measured, controllable. The more I get comfortable the more it becomes all about me.

I heard storyteller Stephen James recently. He said something like this …”Most people work in jobs they don’t like, for a boss they don’t respect, with people they can barely endure to make enough money to buy a whole lot of things they really don’t need. Do it long enough and people look at you and say “Wow, he/she has really achieved success.”

So, is that really living? I’ve been there. Done that. It’s boring really.

This life of faith, I think, is lived out by many people in such a way that it looks like it’s as interesting as root canal. It’s predictable, heavy on rules, and much about score keeping. Welcome to the abundant life.

I’ve experienced faith though that’s different. It looks like this: Risk+God=Adventure. When I risk, trusting God for more, not less I really do feel like I’m on the edge of adventure.

It’s a little scary. Let me take that back. It’s a lot scary. That’s because I don’t live out there on the ‘edge’ enough. I get out of practice. Have I already told you I prefer safety to risk?

So, what does this all mean? Maybe it’s time for an adventure. There’s enough in Scripture that reminds me to invest my life. Is there a dream I need to deal with? Can my dream intersect with someone else’s to take me somewhere that's greater than my own personal vision? Is there something bold being asked of me?

Stay tuned. By the way, if you know me …and God impresses you with something I should know about my next ‘adventure’ …let me know. I’d love to hear from you.


Jimmyqpju said...

Whatever technique you prefer, it is important to remember that relaxation should be a recurring part of a nurses daily routine. Most contracts offered by agencies to nurses interested in working in different locations run between 13 to 52 weeks. You will practice correct bathing and lifting on them. These exams decided who would stay as a student nurse and who would be streamed as a State Enrolled Nurse. The largest group of employees in the health sector is those in the nursing occupations as nurses and nursing assistants.

Jenkinstbth said...

Whatever technique you prefer, it is important to remember that relaxation should be a recurring part of a nurses daily routine. Most contracts offered by agencies to nurses interested in working in different locations run between 13 to 52 weeks. You will practice correct bathing and lifting on them. These exams decided who would stay as a student nurse and who would be streamed as a State Enrolled Nurse. The largest group of employees in the health sector is those in the nursing occupations as nurses and nursing assistants.